What’s next for you? The interaction design world is growing and changing and there is an increasing number of opportunities within our profession. One option as you progress in your career is the move to management. But should you do it? I want to share with you the 4 big lessons I learned through my […]

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What is creative leadership? A Creative Director, dressed in black turtleneck, dictating every single detail? Cool! Would you work for that person? Creative leadership is more than finding a perfect form, much more than arriving at perfect concept. It is about creating a space and culture for creativity to happen. It is about fostering growth. […]

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Through designers’ quest to optimize user experience, we have reached a plateau in site design experimentation. Whether in UX or visual design, most of the solutions have been narrowed down to minimalistic approaches. It seems like we have successfully simplified interactions to the extent of minimalism. Designs and interactions have fallen flat, minimal and somewhat […]

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